Welcome To the Neighborhood!
Welcome To The Neighborhood is a community social event, geared toward both new residents and rooted locals looking to be more involved and aware of programs in our community.
This year we're teaming up with For The Blank who's mission is to spotlight non-profit organizations throughout the year!
This event we'll be hosting booths for a number of charities, causes, and services in Billings and surrounding areas. We aim to give residents an opportunity to walk around, ask questions, make connections, and educate themselves on activities and initiatives in the community.
In addition to the attending organizations, there will be live music, food trucks, drinks, cornhole, and more! We hope to see you there!
June 28th • 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
1550 Poly Drive • Billings, MT 59102
Event Host and Coordinating
Corporate Sponsors
Organizations Attending
Adult and Teen Challengehttps://teenchallengepnw.com/locations/billings-campus/
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yellowstonehttps://www.bbbsyc.org/
CASA of Yellowstone Countyhttps://www.yellowstonecasa.org/
Dog Tag Buddieshttps://dogtagbuddies.org/
Friendship House of Christian Servicehttp://www.friendshipmt.org/
HER Campaignhttps://hercampaign.org/
Love and SONshine Ministrieshttps://loveandsonshine.org/
Montana Rescue Missionhttps://montanarescuemission.org/
Ronald McDonald Househttps://www.rmhcbillings.org/
Safe Kids Yellowstone Countyhttps://www.safekids.org/coalition/safe-kids-yellowstone-county
The Center For Wellbeing, PLLChttps://naturallystrongmt.com/
Tumbleweed Programhttps://www.tumbleweedprogram.org/
Yellowstone County Museumhttp://www.ycmhistory.org/
Young Lifehttps://billings.younglife.org/
American Medical Responsehttps://www.amr.net/
Boys and Girls Club of Yellowstonehttps://begreatyellowstone.org/
Community Leadership & Development Inchttps://cldibillings.org/
For The Blankhttps://www.fortheblank.com/
Gratitude in Actionhttps://www.giamt.org/
Love Inchttps://loveincycmt.org/
Montana Peer Networkhttps://mtpeernetwork.org/
Operation Second Chancehttps://operationsecondchance.org
Safari Club Internationalhttps://montanasafariclub.com/
Special K Ranchhttps://specialkranch.org/
Tax Increment Funding Districtshttps://downtownbillings.com/what-is-tif/
Warrior Wisheshttps://www.warriorwishesmontana.com/
Musical Entertainment
As stated on their Facebook Page, Roy Buzzard and the Bones delivers a host of refurbished oldies, vintage covers, and retro originals that are guaranteed to wake the dead - summoning the likes of Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, and Ritchie Valens that'll even have the late great Little Richard letting out a "whooo!" You'll be singing and dancing under their spell all night long. The band is comprised of Brenden "Funkdaddy335" Fritzler, Todd "The Sax Man" Naasz, Kenneth "The Drummer Plumber" Clark III, Toby DionWesley Falcon, and the ever elusive Roy Buzzard - whom we're told looks an awful lot like Troy Falcon.